

FAQ #8: What will the Equal Money look like – how will it work?

Most practical would be to have all the money be digital – because then it can simply be send from one (or many) central point(s) to all the individual accounts. Which would then require digital payment technology at every shop/store/warehouse and chip-technology. So it will be very similar to the payment systems that are already in place. As to what kind of chips, we could either go for a chip on a credit-card or an implanted micro-chip in the skin – whichever works best. A micro-chip has the advantage one will not lose it – which is preferable as without it you’d have problems with your ability to pay for your goods, where you’d lose time with getting a new chip. Though remember, the point here is to have a digital system – which can be done by using bankcards or microchips.

Another reason why digital money is preferable – is that just as easy as the money is created, it must be able to be deleted. This would happen as soon as the money is used at the first payment. When I for instance buy myself a pair of shoes, that amount of money that I’ve just spend will not be ‘transferred’ from my account to the account of the store, it will instead be deleted from my account. Because remember: the purpose of the money is to make sure there is equal access for all to basic living-resources. Therefore once the money has served its purpose, there is no reason anymore for it to exist.

Within this, the money could be distributed either as a monthly or as an annual income.

So, yes – the entire experience of what money is and how we use it, will certainly change.


FAQ #7: Can one just create money out of nothing – isn’t that what is causing the current money-crisis?

Indeed. What we’re proposing is a fiat money-system. Meaning: money that is created and issued by a central institution directly and declared as Legal.

With regards to the current money-crisis, one must understand: it is not due to money being created ‘out of nothing’ – but solely due to the procedure according to which all money being issued has the nature of a loan with interest.

This is completely against what we’re suggesting: because the point of having money is not to use it to exploit people for power and control, but to make life easier -which is by the way what children in schools are being taught about why money exists. Unfortunately they’re not being told the whole story.

As explained above – money will be a tool at your disposal that gives you access to living-recourse. It will not be a ‘loan’ – because you have a right to it: it is your money.


FAQ #6: But how can you make sure the basic facilities are actually provided for everyone?

This will be done through a system of conscription – where everyone who finishes school will do 4 years of mandatory labor, in any one of the area’s that are required to support the basic support system of the world. This will make sure the basics can constantly be provided for everyone, and look – it will only cost you 4 years of labor and you get labor-money !

The basic support system includes food production and all the public services, such as mentioned in the list above.